Chez Pims, nous aidons les organisateurs dans le suivi et l’analyse des ventes de billetterie et du marketing de leurs événements : spectacles, compétitions sportives, foires etc. Aujourd’hui, plus d’une centaine de structures nous font confiance.
Le concept
Les fonctionnalités de Pims
Online dashboard
It is the heart of the application: Pims provides a complete dashboard for managing your business. Line and bar charts and tables are dynamically computed, event by event.
Bottom line: you get at the same time the big picture and an unparalleled fine analysis allowing for example benchmarking of vendors based on each event price.

Ticket counts are one the most boring tasks for ticketing services. Pims offers two solutions to ease these tasks:
1. Automated import of sales: Pims connects to your ticketing system (Trium, Aparté, Weezevent...) to retrieve sales figures by itself according to your own schedule (everyday, twice a week...).
2. External input of sales: it is possible to provide partners with accounts so that they can input all data that can not be retrieved from ticketing systems by themselves.
Both ways will drastically reduce the work of ticketing services.

Pims provides various ticketing indicators but its true value comes from adding further correlation. Promotional activities, revenue and cash payments are supported and enrich ticket counts analysis.
Don't just read sales figures: put them in perspective!

Centralizing data for internal needs is a thing. Sending them out to partners is another thing!
To reach this goal, Pims features a reporting module that will allow you to send easily selected ticketing data (whole sales or detailed figures, revenues, etc.) to defined contacts (artist or agent, director, coproducer, etc.). Pims will generate preconfigured e-mails that just need your approval for sending. All these messages are stored and you can track if they have been received and opened by their recipients.

Pims is an online solution. However, when data service is off or counts are required for archives or just meetings, Pims features simple and ready-for-usage export formats.
Find all your data through various export templates to Excel or PDF.

Do you wish to integrate Pims in your IS? Or to create a bridge with your favorite app?
No problem! Pims offers a comprehensive and fully-documented API. Do you need even more? No problem, contact us and we'll be glad to help.

Qui sommes-nous ?
Le projet Pims a démarré en 2010 chez Gérard Drouot Productions, l’un des plus importants producteurs nationaux de spectacles : Gérard Drouot confia à son responsable informatique, Fabien Vayssière, la conception d’un logiciel de pointages des ventes de billetterie de ses concerts et spectacles. En 2012, Fabien fût épaulé durant quelques mois par Duong Phan sur le développement de la première version de Pims. Sous l’égide de Fabien et Duong, Pims devint finalement indépendant en 2016.
Ils parlent de nous
Nos prochains événements
Nous contacter
- Siège social : 13 rue de Sofia, 75018 Paris, France
- Bureaux : Startway, 27 rue des Renaudes, 75017 Paris, France
- +33 1 86 95 37 47 Service commercial :
- +33 1 86 95 37 48 Service client :
Le concept
Chez Pims, nous aidons les organisateurs dans le suivi et l’analyse des ventes de billetterie et du marketing de leurs événements : spectacles, compétitions sportives, foires etc. Aujourd’hui, plus d’une centaine de structures nous font confiance.
Les fonctionnalités de Pims
Online dashboard
It is the heart of the application: Pims provides a complete dashboard for managing your business. Line and bar charts and tables are dynamically computed, event by event.
Bottom line: you get at the same time the big picture and an unparalleled fine analysis allowing for example benchmarking of vendors based on each event price.

Ticket counts are one the most boring tasks for ticketing services. Pims offers two solutions to ease these tasks:
1. Automated import of sales: Pims connects to your ticketing system (Trium, Aparté, Weezevent...) to retrieve sales figures by itself according to your own schedule (everyday, twice a week...).
2. External input of sales: it is possible to provide partners with accounts so that they can input all data that can not be retrieved from ticketing systems by themselves.
Both ways will drastically reduce the work of ticketing services.

Pims provides various ticketing indicators but its true value comes from adding further correlation. Promotional activities, revenue and cash payments are supported and enrich ticket counts analysis.
Don't just read sales figures: put them in perspective!

Centralizing data for internal needs is a thing. Sending them out to partners is another thing!
To reach this goal, Pims features a reporting module that will allow you to send easily selected ticketing data (whole sales or detailed figures, revenues, etc.) to defined contacts (artist or agent, director, coproducer, etc.). Pims will generate preconfigured e-mails that just need your approval for sending. All these messages are stored and you can track if they have been received and opened by their recipients.

Pims is an online solution. However, when data service is off or counts are required for archives or just meetings, Pims features simple and ready-for-usage export formats.
Find all your data through various export templates to Excel or PDF.

Do you wish to integrate Pims in your IS? Or to create a bridge with your favorite app?
No problem! Pims offers a comprehensive and fully-documented API. Do you need even more? No problem, contact us and we'll be glad to help.

Qui sommes-nous ?
Le projet Pims a démarré en 2010 chez Gérard Drouot Productions, l’un des plus importants producteurs nationaux de spectacles : Gérard Drouot confia à son responsable informatique, Fabien Vayssière, la conception d’un logiciel de pointages des ventes de billetterie de ses concerts et spectacles. En 2012, Fabien fût épaulé durant quelques mois par Duong Phan sur le développement de la première version de Pims. Sous l’égide de Fabien et Duong, Pims devint finalement indépendant en 2016.
Ils parlent de nous
Nos prochains événements
Nous contacter
- Siège social : 13 rue de Sofia, 75018 Paris, France
- Bureaux : Startway, 27 rue des Renaudes, 75017 Paris, France
- +33 1 86 95 37 47 Service commercial :
- +33 1 86 95 37 48 Service client :